1. Knock on wood... we are all healthy!
- Little Man has been given a clean bill of health.We only have to give him 4 more breathing treatments! Dancing Daughter is currently not suffering from allergies! Hubby is on meds to relieve him of his ear infection! Finally, I am healthy too!
2. Panera Steak and Vermont Cheddar Panini
- If you haven't had one, run... don't walk to your nearest Panera and get one! I enjoyed mine with a lovely caesar salad! It was fan-tab-u-lous!!!!!
3. My mini van for traveling to see my family in GA.
- I am neck deep at packing to leave in the morning. (I know... it's the middle of the night, but that is what I do!) I would be dreading trying to fit all of the stuff we need for 2 adults and 2 kids into my previous car (Camry), but now I will just leisurely load it all into my van without too much trouble! Yay!
4. My camera working again!
- After several years of lots of use my SD card DIED! Fortunately, I was able to get the 400 pictures off the card, but I didn't have a back-up. I ordered 2 so now it is working AND I have a spare. I can't STAND being without my camera!
5. Finding great deals online, receiving those packages and great money-saving websites!
- www.babysteals.com- Got a Ju Ju Be bag called a Be Quick for $7.50 (regular $15)! Love it!
- Amazon Mom- Free 2 day shipping! Need I say more?
- moolala- E-mealz subscription for a year for $12!
- Mamapedia- Family Fun magazine for $5!
- BeCentsAble- this blog let me know where I could get a subscription to Parents Magazine for $1! Woo hoo!
- For Publix shoppers... love this site and there are several others. Feel free to comment below if you want me to share them!
I will try to post some more coherent, interesting posts this coming week. I. Am. Exhausted. Hopefully, I can get some rest this weekend!