BANANA BREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My family doesn't care for bananas (except the Little Man), but they love banana bread. I took my Mom's tried-and-true recipe and switched out the shortening for some yummy butter and it was great.
Mom's Banana Bread
1.5 cups sugar
1/2 cup shortening (I used softened butter)
2 eggs
1 tsp baking soda
5 Tablespoons of milk
2-3 large RIPE mashed bananas
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups of flour
Optional: mix in chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, blueberries, etc... be creative!
Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Butter a large loaf pan or put muffin liners into your muffin tin.
Cream together sugar and shortening (butter). Add the beaten eggs. Dissolve the baking soda into the milk. Add milk/soda mixture to the sugar/butter/egg mixture. Add your mashed bananas. (Does anyone else think of The Wiggles when you say "mashed bananas"?) Add salt, vanilla and flour. Mix until combined.
Portion into your buttered baking vessel and cook for about an hour. (Muffins will take less time, but it varies based on your muffin cup size and oven.) When you start to smell it, start monitoring the progress. When you stick a knife into the middle and it comes out clean... take out and enjoy!
I generally double the recipe and I end up with three 4x8 loaves. This time I added peanut butter chips to one loaf, dark chocolate chips to one loaf and left the last plain. Mmmmmmmmmm! Chocolate chip banana bread is my favorite!